Who is Arnold Dix, the Australian expert who helped rescue our 41 men trapped in a Uttarakhand tunnel?

On November 20, 2023, a bearded Australian arrived in India and conducted an inspection at the Silkyara tunnel site, where, following a landslide, 41 workers had been stuck inside the tunnel since November 12. After carefully judging the situation, he finally tasted success as the trapped workers were rescued, spending 17 days in that fragile environment. The rescue mission was lauded by many leaders all over the world, with a special message from Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese who was elated that the man who caused this miracle was an Australian.

KnowALLedge Plus:

>The mastermind behind this operation was Arnold Dix, president of the International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association, a barrister of the High Court of Australia, a scientist and a professor of engineering.

>A man with extensive experience and expertise in underground and transportation infrastructure, risk mitigation, disaster response and fire safety, he has also received several awards and recognition for his contributions to tunnelling and underground space.

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