G20 Summit highlights: leaders unite for a better world

The G20 summit achieved consensus among world leaders on various issues. Here are the key moments from the summit.

Welcomes Africa on board!

The 55-member African Union (AU) was formally made permanent member of the G20, on par with the European Union, in order to make the grouping more representative. Until now only South Africa was a member of the G20.

On Ukraine War

G20 nations agreed that states cannot grab territory by force and highlighted the suffering of the people of Ukraine. The declaration was seen as an apparent softening from the position that the G20 took last year when it condemned Russia for the war and demanded that it withdraw from Ukraine.

Economic Transport Corridor: India to Middle East

Leaders of the United States, India and Saudi Arabia among others announced plans to set up an economic corridor between the Middle East and South Asia and eventually to Europe. The project involves laying down railway lines in the Middle East and then connecting them to India by port.

Global Biofuel Alliance

Brazil, India, and the United States, as leading biofuel producers and consumers, will work together during the next few months towards the development of a Global Biofuels Alliance along with other interested countries.

Progress on Climate Change

The G20 leaders agreed to pursue tripling renewable energy capacity globally by 2030 and accepted the need to phase-down unabated coal power, but stopped short of setting major climate goals.

India makes a big impact

India’s hosting the G20 Summit showcased the country as an influential diplomatic and economic power, and drive investment and trade flows into the world’s most populous country.

KnowALLedge Plus

> The biggest achievement for India in the G20 Summit was that the New Delhi Leaders’ Summit Declaration was adopted with a “100 per cent consensus on all developmental and geo-political issues ” on the opening day.

> The Preamble of the 38-paragraph Delhi Declaration starts with the lines: We are One Earth, One Family, and we share One Future.

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